Midweek Mumbles – English Language Meetup


An English language meetup every Wednesday: a chance to have a cool drink and a comfortable chat in English. Everyone is welcome. Just come along and get chatting!

You can follow the event on Facebook here.

Book Swap

SATURDAY 23 APRIL from 8pm

It’s World Book Night so we thought we would take this opportunity to have another book swap. Bring along books you are finished with, take new ones home! You can follow the event on Facebook here.

German Language Meetup

FRIDAY 22 APRIL at 7 pm

Two hours of German. No English. No cheating. Kind native speakers will help with corrections and explanations.

You can follow the event on Facebook here.

Arabic Language Meetup

THURSDAY 21 APRIL from 7pm

Are you a native Arabic speaker who misses chatting with other native speakers? Are you a non-native Arabic speaker looking for a chance to practise your language skills and learn about other cultures? If so, then don’t hesitate to join us for an evening of drinks and chats.

You can follow the event on Facebook here.